How to Turn Any Game into a Drinking Game

A while back, AC took a deep dive into the many different ways you can modify Kings Cup to serve your drinking game needs. And while that is still an awesome compendium, it got me thinking: what if you don’t like Kings Cup? What if you prefer games like Among Us, Killer Queen, or hell even Captain’s Gambit? Is there a way to transform your favourite game into a drinking game?

Today, I’m going to walk you through my 4-step process to turn any game into a drinking game. Once we’ve gone over how to do it, I’ll also give some examples to help you out. Let’s get started!

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10 Games That Mattered to Me in 2020

When I look back at the games that I played in 2020, a lot of them didn’t actually come out last year. Sure, a couple of them did, but most of them were either older games I finally got a chance to play or games I grew to appreciate more while stuck in lockdown. So for this year-in-review list, I’m gonna take a bit more of a personal approach. Rather than just limiting myself to new releases, I’m going to highlight the games I played that mattered to me. Some of these games have been out for quite some time, but I believe each one of them deserves to be on this list for helping me get through this wild year.

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Among Us: Why You're Always Sus

See, we often think saying someone “looks suspicious” is the same as saying that they are lying. It’s not. If we knew for certain someone was lying, we wouldn’t call them “suspicious”. Rather, being suspicious means we think they might be lying and that they might be telling the truth. It means we’re uncertain.

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