Killer Queen Black: Avoiding The Lock-In Effect

The Lock-In Effect is very common in games with multiple objectives. Achieving a win condition typically requires devoting a lot of time or resources, so logically it should be difficult to have enough left over to successfully pivot to another goal. But what if you want players to adapt their strategy and change objectives throughout the game? How can you avoid the Lock-In Effect?

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Captain's Log: Win Conditions

We’ve already touched on a few of the specific win conditions in Captain’s Gambit, such as Hamlet, Cordelia, Brutus, and Rosalind. But today, I want to speak more broadly about the types of win conditions in the game. While every captain’s win condition is unique, they mostly fall within one of five categories: Assassination, Ascension, Devotion, Sabotage, and Domination. Some captains straddle the line between these categories, but it is important to understand these core objectives if you hope to outwit your opponents.

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