Dossier: Judgement's Reach

Name: King Lear

Quest: Symbiosis

Arbitration, allyship, martyrdom

Bio: King Lear once heralded a respectful dynasty based on loyalty. His system of mutual co-operation once brought much wealth and safety to his kingdom, but in recent years he has grown both vain and naive. This presents an opportunity to feign loyalty and procure his resources for your own ends, should you wish to seize them.

Of course, mutual assistance may be beneficial as well; either way, the true question lies in whether investing in the potential appearance of Lear is valuable at all. Spending time on the potentially frivolous task of expressing loyalty may not be beneficial to all long-term goals, though it may certainly prove a fruitful distraction should one wish to buy time.

Recommendations: If Lear’s presence can be assured, begin producing signs of loyalty to ensure healthy support for your goals - and to waste your opponents’ efforts as well.