Backer Talk Back: Guardian’s Gambit

Back in March I backed a project called Guardian’s Gambit. Originally I backed it because it had a similar name to Captain’s Gambit, but I also backed it because it looked interesting and I liked the minimalist art style. Guardian’s Gambit is a 2-player card combat game with some light strategy elements created by Knights of Norwood. Players take turns using the cards in their hand to attack the cards in their opponent’s hand, while using special abilities to protect their cards and bypass their opponent’s defenses. It’s a fun, quick, easy game that’s great if you have some time to kill while traveling or taking a short break. But I don’t really want to focus on the game itself today. What I want to highlight about Guardian’s Gambit is this:

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X-Disciplinary: Deckbuilder Deck Thinning and Creative Writing

With the "thin deck" strategy, you should focus on a few key cards with specific effects and remove as many middling cards as possible. By doing so your average hand will have a much higher chance of including the exact cards you want with none of the anti-synergistic fluff in between.

You've heard this kind of advice before if you've ever tried your hand at creative writing, or even academic writing. But I guess I never intuitively Got It as much until my descent into deckbuilders gave me a better sense of recognizing how different parts can interlock [or not] at a given moment.

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